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Word for the Day - 9

Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. (John 6:57)

I have a grandson who calls himself a ‘picky eater’. His choice of food will not feature in any journal of nutrition. Living well involves eating healthily! Jesus knew that it was vital for his life to be consistently nourished by the Father. In John 4:34 he said that his food was to do the will of his Father.

I wonder how many of us engage in voluntary load-shedding by cutting ourselves off for long periods from our power source, namely, a vital living relationship of obedience to our Father. Like an unhealthy diet, it is bound to hamper our health and growth. In order to be filled with the kind of life that empowers us to live in obedience to Father’s commands, we need to be nourished by him and daily draw our strength from him. This time of Lent is an ideal time to examine our spiritual diet and make changes that are necessary.

Let’s Pray…

  • that you will know what the Father’s will is for you and be sustained as you do it.

  • that you will know the meaning of being in Christ, constantly nourished and empowered by the his Spirit.


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