Jesus: “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world." John 17:24
The Father's Heart for Relationship
At the time of Jesus praying this prayer, the Holy Spirit had not yet been given to the Church. But the Father and the Son had an exceptionally close relationship, something like the reaction of a teabag being dipped into boiling water. The water and tea become infused, and cannot be separated. The one can only function if completely 'leaning into' the other.
Elsewhere in John's Gospel Jesus gives a picture of a vine to describe our relationship with him. He is the main stem and we his followers are the branches leaning into/remaining in the stem in order that fruit may be produced.
The fruit is evidence to the world of the Father's glory, wonder, love, perfect justice, and peace. And the relationship is one of complete trust between one another.
Imagine if our earthly relationships were like that!! Well one day they will be! I like to think of three words which flow from such a relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit:
Sharing - our Father SHARES everything he has with us, and we are made in his image.
Serving - in Jesus we see how God stooped down to SERVE us in great humility. Through loving service our Father's Kingdom is established on earth.
Sacrifice - a topsy-turvey principle we encounter when we are in relationship with our Father says:"in giving away we receive back more than we can imagine." Our Father is a generous, loving, sacrificing God.
Let’s Pray…
for the fruit of the sharing, serving and sacrifice in your own life, and the life of St John's
for God's help in being honest about what you find difficult
Ask Father to grow the three S's in your life day by day.