Now Father, glorify me together with yourself, with the glory and majesty that I had with you before the world existed. John 17:5 (Amplified)
God's Son, Jesus, was given a mission to carry out when he left the love and security of heaven to come into this beautiful yet messy world. Leaving the love which he shared with his Father before creation, in the realms of perfect relationships, he completed his mission on earth, and then asked that he may be restored to his Father's right hand. A position of majesty....glory....authority praise. Something he had enjoyed since before time.
We today look forward to the time when along with the Holy Spirit and the Father, the Son will be proclaimed King of Kings and Lord of Lords by a watching, worshiping world!
It will be far more moving and greater than being in a packed sports stadium cheering our heroes in victory, or humbly standing with outstretched arms on a mountain top whispering:"How great thou art!"
Pause and pray.
We celebrate another Easter this year with the reminder again of the Father's love for us all. May we rejoice in the truth of the resurrection and ascension of our Saviour who has been restored to and is sitting in the heavenly realms at his Father's side.
And what is he doing there at his Father's side? He is watching over every child of his, and praying for us as we await that glorious day.
Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died - more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Romans 8:34
Glory be to Jesus! Worthy is the Lamb!
Let's Pray...
Take time, individually, as well as during the Services with the Church Family, to honour, praise and glorify our amazing God.
Worthy are You Eternal God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
To him who sits on the throne be praise, honour, glory and power for ever and ever.
Come Lord Jesus, come!