We are fast approaching Easter and this Lent has been for St John’s a season of preparation in which we have taken time on Sundays, and in the Cell Groups, as well as through the daily online devotions, to look at a picture of God that Jesus gives us. It is a picture from throughout John’s Gospel of God as a perfect, loving, passionate Father who calls us his sons and daughters and reaches out to us in our lostness long before we ever reached out to him. The Father who comes running to meet us the moment we recognise our need of him. (Luke 15:20)
This coming Sunday the Youth and the Children’s Church will lead our family in our Palm Sunday service (in the church hall) - hopefully helping us to approach God our Father like a child. “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt.18:3)
We have a growing need for Children’s Church volunteers to help on a monthly basis. If you were once a child and remember how important your need to experience freedom in learning about Jesus and the things of God - please chat to Natasha or one of the Children’s Church Team.
We really hope that you can join us for one of our Easter Services! And invite a friend to join you to come and find out the reason for the hope that we have in Jesus.