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Heritage Appeal - no helium balloons involved!

Article by Kathy de Smidt

Some friends of ours once worked for a Christian organization that was

experiencing severe financial constraints. The organization held a public fund-

raising extravaganza and included a lot of helium balloons to attract attention.

The family struggled with this as they were only paid a pittance. The mother,

resignedly said to her children, “Ah well, when we see the helium balloons go up,

we can say…” Before she could finish her sentence, her youngest son said,

“…There goes our salary!”

Most of us hate to have to spend our money on things like ‘leaky roofs.’ However,

we don’t believe that repairing the roof falls in the category of ‘helium balloons’,

nor do we want to use money rightfully allocated elsewhere. Repairing a leaking

roof does not make any of us shout for joy, but not doing it causes more trouble.

A month ago, we sent out our Heritage Appeal to church members, and since

then have shared the appeal more widely, including Good Hope magazine and

neighbourhood Constantiaberg Bulletin.

Response so far: We have so far received donations amounting to R15,200 – it is

a start and we are grateful. If you were able to participate in any way, big or

small it would be sincerely appreciated. Remember how Jesus multiplied a young

boy’s lunch of fish and bread to feed a huge crowd.

If you do make a financial donation please inform us on

where possible so we can purpose it correctly, and use the following details:

Account: St John’s Church Wynberg

Number: 071758593

Bank: Standard Bank

Sort Code: 051001

Reference: Heritage (Surname)

Our Property Team would welcome more offers to help with the gardening and

other projects under their guidance. Contact Selwyn Barnes

Sharing your stories and photos – It has been an honour for me, as a relative

newcomer to the church, to connect with many of you and gain more insight into

some of the rich history of St John’s.

Please consider this a wide-open invitation to share more stories of anything

from ‘way back when’ to recent events. They are all part of our history. I have a

scanner at home and will carefully return any photos loaned for our digital

‘library.’ You can email Kathy de Smidt ( or on whats’app

(071 424 5770)

Helping organize a Heritage Dinner: We would really value volunteers to help

with organizing a Heritage Dinner planned for 27 July. Please contact Wendy

Venkatiah ( if you want to know more or are willing to be

part of the team.

Pray with us - Please continue praying that God will supply all our needs and

we can rejoice together.

Here are two photos just to whet your appetite. The first is of Sharon’s “Aunt Lettie”

as one of the St John’s Ambulance attendants to a 1939 wedding. The second photo

was taken last year en route to the Alpha weekend of Daniel, Keegan, Lihle, Phumi

and Khanya.


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