Listen here to Revd. Brian Hill's 2024 video greeting to St John's in our 190th year.
Brian came to St John's Church for a year as a new Ordinand in 1970. During this time, his brother-in-law Jonathan Reed said he used to go to a young people’s coffee friendship after church at Brian’s flat in Wynberg. "I really enjoyed it (I was attending St John’s then, it was that time of renewal that was very significant for me). After a while I invited my sister Heather to join me, and she and Brian became friends….and the rest is history, as she later married him."
Many years later, Brian was the Associate Rector from 1995 to 2006 (and Parish Rector for some of that time.) In the November 2006 Parish Profile, Brian gave a farewell message:
“Sunday, 12th November was a memorable day as we had our last service and farewell lunch at St John’s where we have been for over 11 years. Our hearts are full to overflowing as we think back on the most amazing send off that St John’s gave us.
"We feel very privileged to have been able to share in the lives of this congregation during the past 11 years – many happy, fun and exciting times with lots of laughter and food, but also times of hardship, suffering and bereavement. Looking back, we are glad that we can say with certainty that God is faithful."
"The meal afterwards was the most wonderful celebration for everyone. The hall looked absolutely stunning – the décor was out of this world. Everyone surpassed themselves in the catering – fancy organising a sit down meal with four courses for over 200 people – with only one sink to wash up in!”
The Editor of the magazine added, “Brian – we shall always remember you for your warmth, sense of humour and humility – and as a most encouraging and caring friend.”
In the Annual Vestry Reports of 2006, a few months earlier, Brian wrote about St John’s Church being “Purpose Driven.” He mentioned Children’s Church, the Giving Barometer, Sunday Worship, Youth, Seniors and Prayer and concluded,
“This is my last report as Rector of St John’s and I want to thank God for the opportunity of serving here. I began my ordained ministry at St John’s Church under Bruce Evans in 1970, and never dreamt I would have the privilege of completing my ministry here. I thank God for all of you. It is a place of grace and love and Heather and I are going to miss you all…
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he would began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:3)”
Note: Since ‘retiring’ Brian has served as Interim Associate Minister at Church of the Holy Spirit, and is currently serving in an Interim capacity at St Luke’s. His brother-in-law mentioned to us that Brian has tried unsuccessfully to retire 6 times.
Pictures: Brian & Heather with Daniel Emoru and family (a Kenyan student at George Whitefield College at the time and visiting speaker); Brian and Heather and others on a hike; the young Hill family; 2001 Alpha weekend at Wortelgat: Dick Morris, Marcus Slingers, Grant Stewart, Henry Fabe, Arthur van Aswegen, David Wardle, Noreen Bathurst, John Bridgman, Brendan Fox, Brian Hill.