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Getting to Know Our Pastorate: A Closer Look at Church Leadership

Every church (or denomination) has their particular form of government or way they are organised and make decisions. To the newcomer, terminology and acronyms can make the head spin (you’ll bump into a few below). We would like to introduce you to a particular group of leaders, called the Pastorate, who function as overseers of the spiritual and practical well-being of the congregation. I Timothy 3 is a guide to the criteria for selecting these members, who may be nominated and seconded by any church member or co-opted by the pastorate. Voting is done at our church AGM to confirm the appointment for a three year term.

Each member of the pastorate shares a little of themselves and their role. We appreciate all co-operation, support, encouragement and prayer with the congregation in this awesome task of being the kind of church God wants for his mission in Wynberg at this point in time. How thankful we are to know that Jesus is the head of the church and leads us all.

Jeremy Jobling

I am minister in charge for St John’s Church and I chair our Pastorate team at our monthly meetings. Our role is to listen to God, the congregation, and one another, in order to discern together where God is directing us as a church. This results in practical decisions about ministry and finance.

I am married to Brenda and we have two daughters, Nici in matric, and Ruth studying art in Stellenbosch. Besides spending time with my ladies, I love running on the mountain with friends, taking a motorbike ride in the countryside, and using my cooking creativity in the kitchen.

Graham Bresick

I am our church's parish warden (PW). While I participate in the functions and matters of pastorate, as one of 6 parish wardens (1 PW per church), my role primarily concerns parish matters. These include parish governance, finance, administration, property, vision, the wellbeing of the parish rector and his/her family etc. 

As PW, I serve on parish council (meets 3 times/year), parish council executive (meets monthly) and selected parish council subcommittees.  I am currently a member of the panel reviewing the work of the St Johns Leadership Academy (SJLA). PWs are also involved in setting the agenda and running the annual parish vestry meeting - the highest parish decision-making body.  When a minister-in-charge (associate rector) vacancy occurs, PWs have a role in managing the interregnum and ensuring the integrity of the search and selection process in their respective churches prior to appointment of a new associate rector. 

I have a special interest in the need to strengthen 'family ties' among our 6 churches in a way that enhances our mission in our respective communities - challenging given the differences and complexities. How we can best give expression to the core features of our unique parish history and make up that includes being in association with the ACSA. On a more local front, we also need to restore and strengthen relationships with other denominations in our neighbourhood - especially with respect to joining forces in God's mission in Wynberg and addressing the needs of the local community.

Fun things?!  Caring for my wife Jenny at home leaves little time for much else.  Fun activity is now largely limited to what has become a survival activity - walking the many amazing paths in the Table Mountain National Park and enjoying God's creation as a member of a Friday morning, largely retired, hiking group the Enthusiastic Ramblers! We are spoilt for choice.


Selwyn Barnes

I am a Church Warden (CW) and play a close supporting role to the Associate Rector (AR). This involves a shared vision; prayer and meeting together - even though we do not agree on everything, we have a mutual understanding. I am committed to being a person of prayer and devotion and serve in the Sunday services by taking of collection, counting it, complete the church register and maintain good communication.

It is important to keep in contact with groups at the church and I do this by supporting Alpha and am part of St John’s Men’s Ministry. I also serve on the Building Committee, we are responsible for the maintenance of our buildings. I support the ground staff.  Another responsibility the Church Warden has is to be the Church Rep. on Parish council meetings. 

I enjoy cooking, visiting new places, keeping fit, visiting small dorpies (I love Riebeek Kasteel!), collecting wines and am fond of nature.

Carol Bruce

I have been co-opted onto pastorate as a church warden until the voting takes place in April this year! I have been a member of St John's for the past 30 years with my family whom I am sure many of you know.

I enjoy the outdoors, camping in particular, together with the hiking, swimming & stargazing that goes with camping in the summer months.

I enjoy a good road trip driving to far places. I was born in Swaziland and grew up with 5 brothers and a sister. I have 3 adult children and my Husband Royston. I enjoy reading and belong to a ladies bookclub where not much reading is done may I say! I enjoy a good laugh with good company.

Dage Musangilay

I have been leading the welcoming team since last year. Our mission is to make St. John's an even more welcoming space for everyone who comes to worship or visit St. John's Wynberg.

In my free time, I enjoy staying active to keep in good shape. I also have a passion for reading, spending time in nature, and cherish spending time mostly with my wife and our two girls. Additionally, I make time to connect with friends whenever time permits.

Kathy de Smidt

Serving on pastorate has been a learning curve for me, and a few areas of responsibility have changed, according to the needs at the time. I continue to be part of the fundraising team and was recently appointed the Child Protection Officer for our church. As such, I oversee and implement child safeguarding policies. I am also on the team the leads Children’s Church. As a grandmother, I love children and want to do all I can to make this a safe, happy place where our young people can grow in the faith and know they are loved. 

I have spent most of my life in other African countries. I enjoy reading, writing (have written a couple of books), being part of a mission prayer group, and doing lots of fun things with Brian and our grandchildren (10 of them, ranging in ages from 3 to 22!). My ‘best day out’ would be at Newlands Cricket grounds!

Hayley Hugo

I'm Hayley Hugo, mother of two and serving on St John's Pastorate since November 2023. My role on Pastorate is to represent the Women's Ministry which is only a few months old. After seeing a need for women to have a space within the church where they can share and learn about women's matters, the Women's Ministry Team received the approval from Jeremy Jobling and the Pastorate. 

The Women's Ministry believes that as a Church Community, we have a strong role to play in raising awareness about the Biblical identity and role of women by addressing topics such as women’s health, gender-based violence, women’s finances and more. 

I have learnt so much about self leadership, and the leadership of the church, only now realising what it takes to run a church. There is so much hard work in the background, and there are also many opportunities for our church members to get involved. 

Sharon Lawrence

Good day, I'm in pastorate as a staff member, ex-officio, which means I attend and take minutes but don't have voting rights.

I am a very busy person. Besides working in the church office Mondays to Fridays, I also take care of my parents, and drive grandchildren to and from school and other activities.

My interests are music, reading, watching movies. I also play a bit of guitar. I love the beach and walking outdoors, but don't get to do it as often as I'd like.

Cindy Petter-Bowyer

I serve as treasurer because I believe in giving back and helping where I can. This role allows me to use my skills in a way that aligns with my faith and calling, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute. (Note: Cindy is ex-officio on pastorate).

If you had told me years ago that I would become a financial planner, I probably would have laughed and run in the opposite direction! But as it turns out, God knew exactly what I would be gifted at and orchestrated an incredible path for me to enter the profession. Music has always been a love of mine. Both of my daughters studied music through to matric, and my eldest now sings with me in a small choir ensemble every Wednesday night. We are currently preparing for our annual Grey Ladies concert (a welfare initiative of the Anglican Church) and a foyer concert at the Masque Theatre.

I love staying active, whether it’s walking, popping into the gym to keep fit, or celebrating small victories in my vegetable garden. I’m also currently studying an exciting course on helping people navigate life’s transitions, which ties beautifully into the work I do.

I’m married with two lovely daughters in their early 20s, both busy with their studies. For fun, I enjoy learning, reading, getting things done, and finding new ways to make life meaningful. I also really enjoy being lazy—watching documentaries, movies, and cooking programmes (even though I rarely cook!).


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