In the Quiet Service at St John's, 6pm on Tuesday 25th March, we will reflect on the guy who carried Jesus' cross. Have you ever thought much about that? Malcolm Guite wrote the following poem which invites us to go deeper in reading the very short account in Mark 15:21.
Simon of Cyrene Carries the Cross
In desperation on this road of tears Bystanders and bypassers turn away. In other’s pain we face our own worst fears And turn our backs to keep those fears at bay, Unless we are compelled as this man was By force of arms or force of circumstance To face and feel and carry someone’s cross In Love’s full glare and not his backward glance. So, Simon, no disciple, still fulfilled The calling, ‘Take the cross and follow me. ’By accident his life was stalled and stilled, Becoming all he was compelled to be. Make me, like him, your pressed man and your priest, Your alter Christus, burdened and released
Malcolm Guite
Best regards,
Paul and Katy
Quiet Service Team
The Quiet Service is an invitation to be still and know God through music, reflection, Scripture, art, poetry, liturgy and the Eucharist.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6pm.
Contact: paul@capecoaching.net to join the mailing list