Yes, it is true: as a church, we have a specific plan to build a fence along the road boundary from the Military Camp corner to the Springfield corner.

Why we need a fence
It is not always easy to keep a sweet-spot in the tension between ‘security and freedom.’ Or, in our case, how do we reflect the (seemingly conflicting) values of safeguarding our children and young people while also maintaining an open-door approach of welcoming the stranger and sharing meals with outsiders? I am sure you would agree that it may not always be straightforward, and so we would like to share a bit of our reasoning on this plan of action and invite you to participate as you are able. The main reason for this step is to provide greater security for all of us and our children in particular. We will continue to welcome others into our space and reach out to the community, though in a more controlled way. The Alpha Course, Word on the Street meals, Project Exodus and other regular ministries such as Children's Church, Youth Group, Cell groups, Men's and Women's breakfasts and Sunday services are all very close to our hearts. Not to mention our guests who regularly hire our facilities for: dance lessons; addiction recovery groups; weddings; parties; funerals to name just a few.
Up to now, people have been able to come and go on the property any time of day or night and the only parts that are secure are the buildings and the Garden of Remembrance. In the last few years, unfortunately, we have noticed that it has become something of a ‘hot-spot’ at night for drug use, commercial sex work and criminal behaviour. This has been a concern to those staying on the property and to our St John's Road neighbours. We have been particularly concerned to find a way to mitigate the risk for our children, especially as they can wander off the property (or others wander in) on Sunday mornings or during Youth group on Friday evenings.
The plan
A number of alternatives have been considered, and the Building Committee (BC) has put a lot of work into examining these and making some proposals. The pastorate has noted the risk posed to safeguarding this open boundary and, together with the BC, made the decision to erect a Palisade fence. This final option selected is in keeping with the architecture and surroundings of the site, is visually appealing and allows visuals through the fence.

The Cost of the fence will be just under R300K - no small matter. We are so grateful that some of our neighbours have committed to donating generously towards this, even offering to match what we can raise.
We hope to do this as soon as possible and invite you to participate with us.
So how can you help?
Donate directly towards the fencing project. Please don't reduce your regular pledge towards the church, but rather give to this project if you are able to give over and above what you already give. Account details can be found on our Giving page, and the bank reference is [NAME_Fence]
Participate in our fund-raising events that will be announced from time to time. In the planning stages are a High Tea (mid July); a Kalky’s fish fry fundraiser; a Jazz evening at civic centre, a raffle... and other exciting events. Watch this space - we do need more 'hands on deck' with the planning, organising and promoting events as well. If you can help with this contact Tracy-Jean Rossouw (082 761 1487)
Share this information with anyone who you think would be interested in contributing towards this project. If you know an organisation or company that we could send a letter to in this regard, please let the office know.
Pray for the safety of all who come to St John’s and all that it takes to create safe spaces. Pray also for the provision of funds for the erecting of our fence.
Contact Kathy de Smidt, our Child Protection Officer, if you'd like to know more about our Child Protection Policy and the steps we are taking in this regard. (
Information on the fence proposal supplied by James Cooper and the Building Committee