A tragic bus accident occurred on Friday 28ty April on the N2 outside Swellendam. St Aiden’s Lansdowne Anglican church had arranged a week away at the Carmel Christian Guest farm outside George. The group was returning home when the accident occurred. The group included family and friends from St Faith’s and St John’s and other churches in the area. There were five deaths and over forty people were admitted to hospitals in the surrounding towns. Yolanda Wilson who is part of our family was admitted to a Cape Town hospital. Lee Roy Weber’s parents Roy and Valerie Weber were also on the bus. His mother is still in hospital following surgery but his father is home.
Please pray for healing in mind body and spirit for Yolanda and Roy and Valerie, but also for the rest of the party who were involved in this tragedy. We ask for special prayers for the whole Wilson family and for Lee Roy and Natasha as they care for their family members.
May they know the presence of our Lord with them as they process this accident and experience that peace which passes all understanding.. . . . . Which Jesus promises to all who know and love him.
Written by Hilary McLea