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St John’s 2025 Stained Glass Window Calendar
We are thrilled to reveal the St John's 2025 calendar, a true celebration of art and spirituality. This exquisite calendar showcases a...

St John's Stained Glass Windows will light up our Market Day on 31st August
Come and join a short tour of our church and learn about our stained glass windows from Laura Milandri during our Market Day on the...

Our birthday month
The celebrations for our 190th birthday have begun already. On Sunday 21st July, our 9.30 morning service was one of thanksgiving, praise...

"Tour de Parish"
Some beautiful photos from Brian and Rae Vermeulen prompted some research into the Parish magazines for written accounts of two cycle...

Gerald Francis remembers
It was good to meet Gerald and Trish Francis at St John’s recently. Now a retired Anglican Minister, he was rekindling assorted memories...

How is the heritage project going?
Celebrating our stories – Thank you to the many people who have shared stories and pictures, insights and reflections. Quite a few of...

Nora Herbert - it is well with my soul
Nora Herbert turns 95 later this year. She said there was no need to make an appointment to see her. “I am always sitting on my stoep,...

Salt and light
Duncan McLea wrote an article in the Parish Profile 2005 on what it means to be Anglican, Evangelical, Charismatic. Among other things,...

Healing the past in order to move forward
Graham Bresick was very involved in the parish initiative ‘Home is where the Heart is’. His article in the Easter 1992 Parish Profile...

A new season for Hannes & Christine
Today, Hannes and Christine Fehrsen shared words of farewell to St John’s. They had previously written some of their treasured memories...

The Chinese connection
By Sidney Chong It took me a long time to understand When my cousin Daphne was getting married, she and Frank asked me to go with them to...

The Open Door
By Kathy de Smidt The other evening, we attended an open community meeting (advertised on our Church whats’app group) concerning U-turn...

Life that flourishes and grows
By Alastair Buchanan Down through the years, whenever I have been asked to share my testimony, I have always, (as far as I can remember),...

Greetings from Brian Hill
Listen here to Revd. Brian Hill's 2024 video greeting to St John's in our 190th year. Brian came to St John's Church for a year as a new...

Her hands were always busy
Anne Lawton speaks very warmly of her friend, Gwen Mulligan. “She was a most special person. She was married to Alex (a church warden)...

Learning to be a family of families
“The church must be a place to feel at home; but if only we feel at home in our particular church, and all others are either excluded or...

A greater picture of God and his kingdom
By Mary Holgate A big step Easter 1981 was a memorable though difficult weekend for Peter and myself. We had been through some...

Miriam Butcher (née van Reenen) shares her Spearhead experience. “1967 was a very special year for me. It was the year in which churches...

The Human connection
by Wendy Bates My late husband, Malcolm Bates and I married in June 1974. We rented a house in Waterloo Road, close to St John’s Church,...

Restore order and glory
Rev Graham Fenton was the Associate Rector of St John’s from 1977 to 1984. He passed away on July 17 2023 in Minnesota, USA. You can read...
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