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Wednesday Mornings
Meets 10am Wednesdays fortnightly at St John's Cottage. Leaders: Kathy & Brian de Smidt

Fairways Group
Meets 7pm Wednesdays in Fairways. Leader: Selwyn Barnes

Burnham Rd Group
Meets 7pm Wednesdays in Plumstead. Leader: Brian de Smidt

Cottage Group
We meet 6pm Thursdays fortnightly at St John's Cottage in Wynberg. Leaders: Rachel Baartman & Martin Ssenteza

Meets 2pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month in Bergvliet. Leaders: Anne Lawton & Su Crowsen

Growing Together
Meets 7pm Wednesdays fortnightly in Claremont and on Zoom. Leaders: Yolanda Wilson & Innocent Nahimana
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