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Parish Bursaries for Tertiary Students
Article by Kathy de Smidt A professor recently said, “It remains amazing to see how a relatively small sponsorship can change a person’s...

St John's Heritage Appeal
You can download our Heritage appeal below, or by clicking on the following image.

St John's Fortnight of Prayer
14 - 27 January 2024 It is easier to get the concept of team work, and using your feet, and keeping your eye on the ball than it is to...

Meet the Joblings
written by Kathy de Smidt On the 5th November, Rev Jeremy Jobling was instituted as our Minister in Charge of St John’s Church, Wynberg...

Moms Speak: Insights into our Children's Church Experience
In 2022 Natasha Weber took over the running of Children's Church from Megan Smith, and has led the dedicated team made up of Nicole...

St John's Leadership Retreat
On 24th & 25th November Pastorate held a 2 day retreat for those in leadership of the church - of cell groups, services, children's...
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