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Our birthday month
The celebrations for our 190th birthday have begun already. On Sunday 21st July, our 9.30 morning service was one of thanksgiving, praise...

"Tour de Parish"
Some beautiful photos from Brian and Rae Vermeulen prompted some research into the Parish magazines for written accounts of two cycle...

Gerald Francis remembers
It was good to meet Gerald and Trish Francis at St John’s recently. Now a retired Anglican Minister, he was rekindling assorted memories...

Keegan's Ordination
Please pray for KEEGAN DAVIDS, being ordained as Deacon this Sunday. VENUE: St Saviour's Claremont TIME: 3pm, Sunday 2nd June 2024...

Rea Thusana Home Update
We are pleased to share with you the recent developments at Rea Thusana Home. Over the past few months, we have warmly welcomed five...

How is the heritage project going?
Celebrating our stories – Thank you to the many people who have shared stories and pictures, insights and reflections. Quite a few of...
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