“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion
and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
2 Corinthians 9:11
Giving is our response to God’s amazing grace and the indescribable gift of his Son to us. Generous giving blesses others and supplies the needs of God’s people. It is also an act of obedience and trust – in doing it we are saying that it is God, not ourselves or anyone else, who ultimately provides for our needs.
As a church we are committed to growth by being a Christ centred, mission shaped, family of families, that is united in our diversity. We each commit to prayer, caring, service and to generous giving to support the ministry of St John’s.
Giving should never be forced or grudging, but rather voluntary and cheerful. ‘Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a giver whose heart is in his giving.’ (2 Cor 9:7)
If St John’s Church Wynberg is your spiritual home and you would like to give, you can make use of one of the following ways:

EFT or Direct Debit
Account: St John’s Church Wynberg
Number: 071758593
Bank: Standard Bank
Sort Code: 051001

Scan the above code to give

The Sunday Offering
You can also bring your gift to one of the Sunday Services to put in the Offering.

Give your time
It takes an entire community to BE the Church as much as it takes the entire community to RUN the Church. We need you to play your part - for the good of the entire Body of Christ. So find an area where you can not only receive, but share something of the gifting that God has given to you.
on a Sunday
If you can give help from time to time in one of the following ways then please let us know:
Children's Church
Youth Team
Media projection
Running the Sound Desk
from home
Let Sharon in the office know if you are house-bound but would still like to be involved. You may have resources to offer that others are in need of, or be able to pray or make phone calls to encourage those who need it.
on a weekday
There are opportunities to be part of a cell group, or to serve the community in other ways. Speak to someone about how you could use what God has given you to love the world and grow his church. If you are reaching out you could invite others to join you.